Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Farmer's Wife (and dragonflies)

I'm a Farmer's Wife (or I'd like to be)......
Surfing quilting blogs I came upon this little gem a couple months ago: The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt.  This book outlines how to make 111 different 6 inch quilt blocks - each block is named and has a really interesting letter that goes along with it.  Back in 1922, The Farmer's Wife magazine had a contest and asked their readers to respond to the following question:  "If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you,  in light of your own experience, have her marry a farmer?"  Each quilt block has an actual letter from the contest and as you work through the book, reading the letters is part of the inspiring aspect of this project.  It's really beautiful to read how these intelligent, hard working, self-sufficient, strong women time and time again said that YES!  I would want this life for my own daughter!  It really is a priceless glimpse into our country's past.   I love this link to the past - it's such an awesome part of quilting or really making anything with your hands.  It's something lasting, that will outlast YOU.  Something that several years from now will have more meaning to someone because it was linked to your story and to your life.  I hope the things I make will mean something to my children and their children.

So after seeing this on one blog, then another and another, I was hooked and knew I wanted to make my own Farmer's Quilt.  So I dug out some of my favorite fabric (Vintage Modern by Moda) and got to work on my first blocks.  My quilt won't look anything like the one on the book cover - I'm not much for dreary colors (as you might notice!)  I've never pieced anything this small before and it's not like you learn how to piece the block and then make another 15 just like it.....each block is different and unique.  I'm really enjoying the process of making this quilt and knowing that when it's done, it will be completely unique and scrappy, and all my own work.  I think this will take me about a year - if I do a couple blocks each week :)  
I just love quilting.  :)

Block #1  "Attic Windows"

Block #2  "Autumn Tints"
I'll keep you posted on how the other blocks are coming along.  
Wow - it will be a beautiful quilt when it's done!  I can just see it all spread out on our guest room bed :)

This weekend I also started the quilting on our future family room quilt.  It's just a simple large block design.

I'm trying out some dense modern lines.

I've done some pebbling and stitching in the ditch (straight lines in between the seams of each block).  I love how those lines look - the ruler helped with those, but mostly it was free hand.

I put a dragon fly in this block surrounded by swirls.  Some of my swirls are wonky looking and the poor dragonfly deserves a smoother curve on his wings......practice makes progress :)  

Here's the hubby admiring my work and giving encouragement :)   It's so nice that he takes an interest in this whole quilting adventure with me.  

Pretty awesome since he is more comfortable doing something like this:

 I love him and I love to quilt :)


Going On 30 said...

I LOVE your quilts so much! Like the blog also. :)

mamoo said...

It is fun reading your quilting adventure. Hope you are feeling well and still quilting!

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© Tiffany Quilts